
The latest official release of KubePortal is always available as Docker image. The software is configured through environment variables (see Configuration options).

It is mandatory to configure the public URLs used by the installation KUBEPORTAL_ALLOWED_URLS.

It is highly recommended to configure at least one authentication method (KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_...) and the database storage.

KubePortal is expected to run inside the Kubernetes cluster it acts as frontend for. The API server is auto-detected from the pod running the software. Permissions must be given to the KubePortal namespace for allowing it to create new namespaces.

Installation with Kustomize

The source code repository offers Kustomize templates for installation. They perform the following activities:

  • A namespace kubeportal is created.
  • The namespace is configured with the neccessary RBAC permissions.
  • A persistent volume claim is created.
  • A deployment is created:
    • It mounts the persistent volume at /data. This allows you to easily configure an SQLite database for storage (KUBEPORTAL_DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////data/kubeportal.sqlite3).
    • The environment variables are read from a config map named kubeportal. You could create that, for example, from a .env file with kubectl -n kubeportal create configmap kubeportal --from-env-file=.env.
  • A service is created, which makes kubeportal available on the service name kubeportal at port 8000.

Based on these templates, you could now define your own specialization and apply it to your cluster. Check the Kustomize docs for details about using remote bases.

First backend access

After installation, first check if your configured frontend authentication method works as expected. A new frontend user should see this welcome screen:


You should now use the superuser login (see Superuser access) to create an admin group (see User groups) and add this first user to it.

Configuration options

Environment variable Description
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_TWITTER_KEY Client key for OAuth when offering frontend Twitter login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_TWITTER_SECRET Client secret for OAuth when offering frontend Twitter login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_KEY Client key for OAuth when offering frontend Google login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET Client secret for OAuth when offering frontend Google login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_KEY Client key for OAuth when offering frontend Google login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET Client secret for OAuth when offering frontend Google login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_OIDC_KEY Client key when offering generic OpenID Connect login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_OIDC_SECRET Client secret when offering generic OpenID Connect login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_OIDC_ENDPOINT Endpoint URL when offering generic OpenID Connect login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_OIDC_TITLE Button title when offering generic OpenID Connect login.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_AD_DOMAIN Domain when offering frontend Active Directory login, e.g.
KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_AD_SERVER Active directory server when offering frontend Active Directory login, e.g. Not needed when equal to the A record behind the value of KUBEPORTAL_AUTH_AD_DOMAIN.
KUBEPORTAL_API_SERVER_EXTERNAL URL of the Kubernetes API server that works outside of the cluster, for end users. Automatically set to the internal URL if not set.
KUBEPORTAL_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN The domain used for the user session cookie, e.g.
KUBEPORTAL_NAMESPACE_CLUSTERROLES Kubernetes cluster roles that should be bound to the default service account of newly created Kubernetes namespaces, e.g. minimal-api,standard-api.
KUBEPORTAL_BRANDING The human-readable name of your cluster.
KUBEPORTAL_ALLOWED_URLS The portal URLs used by clients, eg., This is crucial for browser security headers, such as CORS.
KUBEPORTAL_INGRESS_TLS_ISSUER The certificate issuer used for Ingress definitions created through the API.
KUBEPORTAL_LANGUAGE_CODE The locale for the web site, e.g. en-us.
KUBEPORTAL_TIME_ZONE The time zone for the web site, e.g. UTC.
KUBEPORTAL_ADMIN_NAME The name of the superuser, used only for email sending.
KUBEPORTAL_ADMIN_EMAIL The email address of the superuser.
KUBEPORTAL_EMAIL_HOST The SMTP server used by the web site for sending mails.
KUBEPORTAL_DATABASE_URL The database to be used as URL (see formatting examples <>), e.g. sqlite:////data/kubeportal.sqlite3.
KUBEPORTAL_REDIRECT_HOSTS Hosts that redirect to the KubePortal web page, typically to perform OAuth authenication. Example:,
KUBEPORTAL_ROOT_PASSWORD The password to be used in the development environment for the root user.
KUBEPORTAL_LOG_LEVEL_PORTAL Sets the verbosity of the logging for the admin panel. [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL]
KUBEPORTAL_LOG_LEVEL_REQUEST Sets the verbosity of the logging for requests. [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL]
KUBEPORTAL_LAST_LOGIN_MONTHS_AGO Sets how many months ago users have logged in to be considered old in the admin clean up page. Defaults to 12.