Development Environment

There are two ways to launch the KubePortal development environment. One is for editing code, the other to perform a staging test with the production version.

The following software is needed on your computer:

  • Python 3
  • Minikube (+ dependencies, such as libvirt or kvm2)
  • GNU Make

The development environment will require you to create a .env file containing - at least - the following environment variables.

  • KUBEPORTAL_DATABASE_URL (usually sqlite:////data/kubeportal.sqlite3)

Information about the variables can be found here.

Note: If you have set up a minikube instance before using virtualbox you might want to either delete the old instance or set up a new, named instance using kvm. Otherwise minikube will refuse to start up.

You can always clean your computer from the running Minikube containers and temporary files with:

make clean

Developing code

make dev-run

This command starts a minikube instance and the Django development server so that you can access the portal page at Please note that Minikube is automatically changing your kubectl configuration.

You may want to let your local KubePortal instance talk to an external cluster, f.e. to test functionalities against production data. This is trivially possible by activating a different kubectl configuration. Whatever kubectl is talking to, your KubePortal instance is doing the same.

Staging test

make staging-run

This command:

  • Starts a minikube instance
  • Builds the production Docker image of KubePortal
  • Deploys it to the Minikube instance
  • Runs a port forwarding so that you can access the page at
  • It will use the environment variables defined in the .env file.

Note: You can check your current container status / logs not only via kubectl, but also via the kubernetes dashboard. Just run minikube dashboard.


Developers are able to set different log levels for KubePortal. By default, it will log as verbose as possible. You change the verbosity using the KUBEPORTAL_LOG_LEVEL_* environment variables. Please check the installation manual